Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y – Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu, uno sguardo in video alla demo dai Nintendo Switch giapponesi

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay sulla demo di Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y – Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu, in arrivo su Nintendo Switch.

La demo in questione sarà scaricabile gratuitamente dal prossimo 3 agosto 2020 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch.

Il nuovo capitolo dell’ormai nota serie di Level-5, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 13 agosto 2020 sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi, al prezzo di 4,800 yen.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Enjoy an Exciting School Life with Jinpei and Company!

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

You have enrolled in the super huge elite school “Y Academy!” Solve the mysteries that arise in the school alongside your silly friends, while enjoying a fun and comedic school life! A completely new kind of excitement awaits!

—Become a member of the YSP Club and solve the mysteries of the academy!

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

—Freely move about the vast Academy Y and interact with its various students!

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

—Live an exciting school life with familiar characters from the anime!

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

—Transform into a Yo-kai Hero and fight in intense battles against enemy Onryo!

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

From a Shopping District to a Desert…!? The Game is Set in the Super Huge “Academy City”

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y - Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu

Due to its vast size, “Academy Y” is also known as “Academy City.” In addition to the school building, there is also a shopping district, farm, desert, and more. The students that attend this academy are individuals all their own, from unique club activities to a strong student council and more. Freely explore various areas and deepen your engagement with many other students.

Yo-kai Watch 4++ Link

Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y – Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu will have special link functionality with Yo-kai Watch 4++.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.


超巨大なエリート校「Y学園」で、学園内で巻き起こる不思議な謎を解明しながら、ハチャメチャな仲間とともにサイコーに楽しい学園生活をおくろう!! ◆600人以上の友達とのスクールライフ! Y学園で友達になれる生徒の数はなんと600人以上!気になるあの子と友達になったり、友達をクラブに紹介してあげたりと、自分の行動で学園生活がどんどん変化していく! ◆不思議な学園生活を楽しもう! 主人公のジンペイたちは、ウォッチの力を使って「妖怪HERO」に変身することができる!学園にひそむ謎の解明や、怨霊のせいで困っている生徒の悩みを解決していこう! ◆Y学園はなんでもある『一大学園シティ』! Y学園には、生徒たちが学ぶための校舎だけでなく、巨大スーパーから砂漠まで、学校とは思えないほどなんでもある!中には危険がいっぱいのダンジョンも…? ◆観客の視線を気にしつつ「映える」バトルを目指せ! Y学園に潜んでいる怨霊とのバトルは、勝つだけが目的ではなく「映える」ことが重要!まわりで応援してくれている生徒たちにいいところを見せて「イイネ!」をゲットしよう! ◆定期的な無料更新で遊び方がどんどん広がる! 本作はリリース後も、数回にわたって定期的に無料更新データを配信予定。マルチプレイモードの追加など、遊び方がどんどん広がっていく!人気のTVアニメと連動したエピソードやキャラクターの追加も!
Precedente Animal Crossing: New Horizons, uno sguardo in video all'evento estivo dei fuochi d'artificio Successivo Svelata l'arrivo di una nuova manutenzione per il Nintendo eShop il 4 agosto